
Friday, March 27, 2009


RC Battery Basics
I've learned through experience that knowledge of proper care for rc batteries (specifically the battery that powers the vehicle) is crucial to performance as well as much kinder to the pocket book. I have a box full of dead and partially ruined batteries that got that way through simple ignorance. One hobby shop clerk I know claims to still have and maintain a NiCad battery pack that is 10+ years old and as good as when he first purchased it. Goes to show that a little care goes a long, long way. It's extremely important when you figure that batteries typically cost RM50 and up.

Choosing an RC Battery
RC batteries are re-chargeable and come in 3 types:NiCad (Nickel Cadmium), NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride),Li-Po (Lithium Polymer). Your choice depends on budget and performance requirements. NiCad is the cheapest but lowest in terms of capacity, has memory problems and is heavier. NiMH has greater capacity and no memory problem, but is also heavy. Li-Po has the greatest advantage being light weight and having the greatest capacity of the 3. Li-Po batteries are more expensive, require special chargers and for optimum performance, some require a balancing charger (only for the newer Li-Po batteries with a special balance charger lead).

RC Battery Care
When you first purchase the battery, follow charging instructions. You may need to charge it for 16-24 hours for the first charge. For OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE, follow manufacturers' instructions VERY CAREFULLY! NiCad batteries should be partially drained after each use to prevent the memory problem. NiMH's don't have this problem. In the case of Li-Po batteries, it's crucial you DO NOT drain the battery completely or you'll likely ruin it (That's my experience!). In fact, when your rc car, plane or helicopter using Li-Po's starts to lose power, it's time to stop and re-charge. With the newer Li-Po's it's best to use a balancing charger which charges each battery cell independently and therefore produces optimum output. With all 3 types, you should always use a peak detection charger to avoid over charging. This is especially important with the Li-Po batteries which can explode if overcharged! Also, when using a 12 volt charger that plugs into the cigarette lighter, DO NOT charge while the car is running. Your automobile typically puts out 14+ volts when running and overcharging of your rc battery will result (more experience here).

RC Battery Voltages
Rc batteries usually come in packs containing 2 or more "cells" (the tiny micro rc's are the exception). The voltage is determined by the number of "cells" multiplied by the the amount of voltage per cell. So, in cases of an rc battery with a worn label, you can still determine the total voltage. Start with the type of battery you have. The heavier NiCad and NiMH batteries are both 1.2 volts per cell (the cells are usually round in shape), while the Li-Po's are 3.7 volts per cell and square in shape. Using this information, you can readily determine that a NiCad battery with 7 cells puts out 8.4 volts while a Li-Po battery with 2 cells puts out 7.4 volts. This is important to know because your electric rc car motor runs faster at higher voltages and longer on higher capacity plus the weight factor makes a huge difference as well.

RC Battery Types: Pros and Cons
Again, here's the battery types and their characteristics at a glance:

NiCad (Nickel Cadmium) Cheap, heavy, not too sensitive to overcharging, best for fast charging, low capacity, memory problems and 1.2 volts per cell.

NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) Mid priced, higher capacity, no memory problems, heavy, sensitive to overcharging, uses standard charger and 1.2 volts per cell.

Li-Po (Lithium Polymer) Highest priced, highest capacity, light weight, special care to avoid flat performance, special charger needed, does best with a balancing charger, must NOT be overcharged, and is 3.7 volts per cell.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Whenever you accelerate hard with an electric RC car, the initial output of your voltage drops about 0.5 - 1 volts... I've heard this drop heats up your battery, or heats up your ESC and other consequence. I don't know what really happens, but the motor experience a loss of power, it doesn't works at full capacity.
The capacitor is a reserve which keeps the voltage from dropping hence the energy stored. In other words, when you are drifting you need a punch when changing direction proportionally to make the car sway but in the same time you can control the car. The capacitor charges up and when you need that extra power the capacitor compensates that difference.

OK, now to the tutorial section. Sorry for the lack of pics.
-Soldering Iron & solder paste
-Heat shrinking tube for the best look.
-Your ESC

-First you have to open your ESC, unless it has wiring tags outside, like some novak ESC do.

-Anyways, the caps usually have a white stripe showing the negative. Solder a wire to the negative & positive legs. Place a piece of shrinking tube around the wires.

-Now solder the wires from the cap to the esc's board, where the black(negative) and red (positive) wires from the battery are soldered. If you are affraid to open your esc you can solder it anywhere between your esc's battery plug and the ESC itself.

-Close your ESC. Attach the Cap somewhere and you're ready to run!

-Keep in mind that the higher capacity capacitor you pick takes more time for it to charge up, but more power reserve to use. So experiment with them, see which one suits you most. I use a 4700uF, 25v. Anything of 10v-24v should work.

-You shouldn't go further than 10000uF though.
-It is posible to use two small capacitors instead of one big cap. This combination, wired parallel, will only increase the total capacity.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Antara keinginan dan keperluan

Sejak dua menjak ni aku seperti memerlukan perubahan dalam hidup aku. Aku terasa byk benda aku kena tukar or upgrade. Tp adakah smua ini keperluan atau semata-mata keinginan aku. Aku dah mula surf web rc sedangkan aku dh banyak kete rc. Skang ni plak usha heli rc plak. . Kalau datang giler aku, beli online je. Haish kalo dipikir aku sudah ada kereta, heli, boat, dan kapalterbang rc. Kenapa aku mahu menambah @ menukarnya @ upgrade?? Sedangkan semuanya masih elok dan boleh digunakan. Pada masa sama gak aku mana ada masa nk main. Asyik outstation je. Penin kepala memikrkan hal ini, namun aku harap apa pn keputusan aku berpuas hati dan mengembirakan aku.

Lama jgak aku berfikir sampai tak boleh tidor adakah aku sudah bosan dgn apa yg aku ada.. Adakah aku ingin menurut keinginan dr keperluan aku. Adakah perlu aku mendaptkan smua yg aku inginkan or biarla dulu jgn gopoh nanti aku dlm kerugian. Hmm, sbb barang rc ni bukannye murah2 skali shopping lepas bayar duit kete betul aku 2 3 bulan, boleh antar banje banyak skit kt mak bapak dan beli dslr yg lame aku idamkan. Wah byk sgt yg aku inginkan skrg.adakah smua ini akan menjadi kenyataan..STOP!!..aku tidak mahu pikir lagi.ckupla apa yg ada.. bersederhanala.. tp mcm nk. huhuhuhuhu

Aku tertarik dengan salah satu nasihat dari seorang billionair terkenal Amerika, yang tiba2 muncul zaman kemelesetan ekonomi sekarang ini. Bukanlah aku ni rajin sgt membaca tetapi jika ia nasihat yang baik perlulah diikuti jika mampu. Tol tak?

Nasihatnya lebih kurang mcm ni la sbb enlish aku kureng skit, "Jangan terlalu ghairah membeli barangan yang tidak kita perlukan, kerana suatu hari nanti kita mungkin terpaksa menjual barangan yang kita amat perlukan."

Tp aku mcm nak je heli ni.. harga Riban2.. knape la kt Malaysia ni sume mahal2..

60 - Earth Hour

60 - Earth Hour

Pada : 28 Mac 2009 , Jam 8.30 malam

Kenapa plak nak tutup lampu ?? - Sebab..sudah tiba masanya untuk kita bertindak dan sedar. Tentang pengunaan dan pembaziran tenaga yang berlebihan selama ini. Secara tidak langsung telah memberi kesan terhadap kenaikan suhu dunia. Satu jam ( 60 minit ) tanpa lampu , diharapkan dapat memberi impak. Tentang bagaimana kita menilai sumber tenaga yang sedia ada.

Siapa yang startkan benda nieh weii ?? - Ianya bermula sebagai sebuah kempen di Kotaraya Sydney , pada tahun 2007. Kempen ini mendapat sokongan dan amat berjaya , apabila hampir 2.2 milion rumah dan kedai perniagaan bersama-sama menutup lampu. Setahun kemudian acara ini telah menjadi sebutan di seluruh pelusuk bumi - dengan penyertaan hampir 50 million orang dan merangkumi sejumlah 35 buah negara. Acara ini diraikan , sebagai satu simbol harapan kepada satu perubahan.

Cuma tutup lampu lah ?? - Ya , hanya tutup lampu selama 1 jam ( 60 minit ) pada 28 Mac ini , bermula jam 8.30 malam . Itu sahaja tanda sokongan yang perlu lakukan. Dan dalam kegelapan ini , mungkin kita boleh berfikir betapa sumber tengan itu seharusnya diguna dengan baik, dan bukan untuk dibazirkan.

Boleh ke saya buat benda ini ?? - Sudah tentu boleh . Hanya memerlukan hujung jari ,[ Untuk menutup suis lampu ] kita akan mampu mengubah nasib Bumi ini . Mari kita semua beramai-ramai menyahut seruan 60 MINUTES-Earth Hour 2009 .Yang akan berlangsung pada 28 Mac 2009 [ Sabtu ] , bermula jam 8.30 malam. Dengan hanya menutup semua lampu selama 60 minit , kita telah membawa harapan baru terhadap masa depan Bumi.

Apa matlamat untuk tahun ini ?? - Tahun ini , diharapkan sebanyak 1 billion umat manusia yang bertaburan di lebih 1000 buah kotaraya . Akan bersama-sama berganding bahu dalam projek global ini. Ini akan menjadi pemangkin yang kita boleh sama-sama mengambil tindakan bersama , dalam menangani isu pemanasan suhu dunia yang berlaku sekarang ini.

Siapa lagi yang saya nak ajak ?? - SEMUA !!! - Tindakan ini menuntut kerjasama semua pihak. Dari orang perseorangan , Industri Perniagaan dan komuniti setempat. Kita boleh bersama-sama keluarga , teman rakan dan ahli komuniti tempat kita tinggal untuk merayakan 1 jam tanpa cahaya ini. Begitu juga dengan Pihak berwajib , dan dari situ baru kita akan dapat melihat setiap bangunan. Yang melatari kaki langit setiap ibu kota dunia , bermula dari asia , eropah , africa dan amerika akan bergelap untuk menyahut seruan kempen ini.

Jadi apa saya nak buat sekarang ?? - Mari , kita war-warkan kempen ini kepada semua. Bersama-sama, kita akan membuat satu perubahan yang amat besar. Kepada alam yang menjadi tempat tinggal kita selama ini .Sehingga kini sudah hampir 538 kota di 75 negara , sudah menyertai Earth Hour 2009. Jumlah ini semakin meningkat dari hari ke hari , menunjukan bahawa semua pihak sudah mula memberi sokongan. Lihat , mudah bukan..kita cuma perlu percaya. Dengan hanya berkerjasama diantara satu induvidu kepada induvidu yang lain , kita akan melihat SATU KUASA besar yang akan membawa perubahan.

tp jgn lama2 tau... sejam je... nnti ktorg xde keje plak... huk huk...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Takara Tomy Drift

Finally i get my on AE86 not 1 but 2. Hehehe.. A bit exciting coz it so cute. Same AE86 in 2 version of drive method. Drifting and jalan2.. Using 3xAAA battery for car and best perform with extra money battery . HUHUHU... :(

The unique design shows in the 4 wheel drive system. Most real drift cars are rear drive. In the rc model world we want 4 wheel drive so we can easily control the drift. The drive system gives a solid, straight rear axle coupled to a unique front drive system via a straight shaft going the length of the chassis. The front drive has what appears to be a differential, but in reality is an overrunning clutch axle attached to dogbones in the front wheels. This allows free wheeling at the front under some circumstances and allows the front wheels to pull the car out of the drift when necessary.

The controls are not proportional. A front mounted motor directly controls the steering and will quickly turn the wheels left or right. The steering motor has a gear engaged directly to a toothed rack attached to the tie rods. The tires are removable from the wheels and are a press on fit-they are hard nylon type tires that are supposed to slip and slide on either tile, vinyl, or hardwood floors.Very practical in raining season. V('<>')V

Boleh la layan time boring2 kan... Bila x turun trek layan je dalam bilik asah bakat drift yang terpendam ni. Ekekekeke...