
Friday, July 10, 2009

Kerja untuk wang @ kepuasan? part 2

Last 2 days, GT Hitachi had a major problem that cause 1st alarm before machine completely trip. HUHUHU.. They suspected instrument may cause the problem due tu unstable temperature reading in turbine exhaust that shows in control room. All engineers and i rushing to the site to attend the problem and swap suspected broken thermocouple to spare thermocouple.

The solution relieved the operation guy temporarily as the machine trip for next day. Aiyaaark..

Mechanical team removed the fuel nozzle and fine out the gasket not as spec required. Wrong installed gasket causing gas flow chocked and improper burning process . The temperature in exhaust should shows around 300 to 400 degree celcius and if the some thermocouple shows low reading automatically machine will trip. As fast as lightning they changed the gasket and everybody is happy that day. LALALALALA..

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Kerja untuk wang @ kepuasan?

Lama juga aku kat bintulu ni. Menghambakan diri di site tanpa henti 24/7 dan hanya sehari MC sebab demam ari tu. Mungkin boleh masuk Discovery Channel 'Extreme Engineering' kerana 3 projek major overhaul dijalankan serentak. 4 gas turbine, 2 compressor, 2 steam turbine dan berpuluh2 lagi rotating equipment di overhaul oleh geng2 REMACO dan GE. 1 gas turbine telah beroperasi dengan jayannya tanpa sebarang masalah besar dan sekarang menjana wang yang banyak untuk PETRONAS. Hahaha...

Sekarang tinggal module 6 untuk commisioning dan hand over kepada PETRONAS. Kerja2 mekanikal sudah selesai tinggal kerja2 instrument untuk touch up, clear alarm, dan calibration. GTG 94030 Major Inspection baru 5 hari dan work progress agak memberansangkan walaupun kekurangan tenaga kerja pada hari pertama sehingga hari ketiga disebabkan separuh dari members standby untuk GT Hitachi commisioning. Kerja2 instrument di GTG agak banyak berbanding dengan GT Hitachi kerana GT Hitachi adalah mesin lama sebab ada punch tahun 1980 di bleed valve. Jadi, hanya bahagian2 yang penting sahaja diletakkan instrument.

Rasa lama sangat kat sini. Bila boleh balik ni... Huuuuuuuuuu..